Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 Heartbreaks in 3 days

Hill* that is. . . This is worse than my dating life ;) On Thursday, I joined a group of runners that does the last 9 miles of the marathon to a car called Crossroads. As I ran along the course, suddenly I saw it, my eyes met the peak, and I instantly dreaded the next 5 minutes or so. I have to say, as much as I dreaded our meeting, it wasn't as bad as I thought (also somewhat like a few dates I've been on recently). I made it to the top, and out for the rest of the run, with the promise of a nice cold adult beverage at the end of the run :)

For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about, Heartbreak Hill is an intimidating
incline that falls at mile 20 along the marathon course :/

I am sure that I look JUST like this on the hill!

That 9 miles was just small beans though. Today, I set out for a long run with a bunch of other charity runners. We started at 1 Beacon St (for you Bostonians) and headed out to Newton, where, once again, I hit Heartbreak Hill. It was pretty rough this time (falling at mile 10). Initially, the plan was to go for 16 miles, with the options to cut it short at 13. I forgot to count the mile I ran to the gym, and the mile on the way home though, so before you know it, I ran 18 MILES! Needless to say, I'm a bit tired, but feeling great. Advil and water are my friends, as are my fluffy bed and a few movies :) Looking forward to tomorrow, when I do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Stay tuned!

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